Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Where the Sidewalk Ends, Pancake?

Where The Sidewalk Ends
Pancake?, pg. 34.
Author: Shel Silverstein
Copyright 1974
Evil Eye Music Inc.
Cooky - Upbeat - Creative - Jingly 
Interest Level: Grades 3 – 5
Reading Level
Grade Level Equivalent: 3.9
DRA: 40
Guided Reading: Q

Delivery: whole group read-aloud and individual (for those who want to look through further poems.)

Who wants a pancake,
Sweet and piping hot?
Good little Grace looks up and says,
“I’ll take the one on top.”
Who else wants a pancake,
Fresh off the griddle?
Terrible Theresa smiles and says,
“I’ll take the one in the middle.”

Electronic Resources:
To create their own “talking poem” : http://www.voki.com

1.    Griddle: heated cooking surface.

ELA Teaching Suggestions

Before Reading:
-After students have started their poetry unit.
-Tell students you are going to be reading aloud an example poem.
-Show students the page in the book that you will be reading
 -Point out the title of the poem and the picture to go with the verses.
-Literal Question: Since the title of the poem is Pancake?, what do you think this is? (point to drawn stack of pancakes on the page)

-Go over the concept of “rhyme” and word patterns.
-Have students tally and keep track of words that rhyme and sound similar.
-Pause at words and phrases that students may struggle with such as: “piping hot” and “griddle.”

After Reading and Writing Activity:
-Explain to students that they are going to construct their own short poem.
-Students will write their poem down and draft it twice, to lead to a final copy.
-Then after constructing their poem, they must use Voki, to give their poem a face and voice.
Poem Guidelines: 
-Students are given the option to create a "found poem from a page of their favorite book." (Page will be photocopied.)
-Poem must be at least 5 lines long. 
-Voki character must relate to poem. 

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