Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Dumbest Idea Ever

The Dumbest Idea Ever!
Author: Jimmy Gowley
Copyright: 2014
Comic - Charismatic - Relatable - Real life - Cartoon 
Interest Level: Grade 5-7
Reading Level
Grade Level Equivalent: 2.5
Lexile Measure: GN330L
DRA: 40
Guided Reading: R
Genre: Autobiography/Biography, Comic, Graphic Novel.

 Delivery: Independent, small group.

The drawn memoir of renowned comic creator Jimmy Gownley, in which we are given a first hand account of his coming of age from a 13 year old basketball star, who falls ill, misses the big game and must climb his way back to popularity, publish his first comic book and win over the heart of the cutest girl at ….high.

Electronic Resources:

For Teachers:

 ELA Teaching Suggestions:

Before Reading:
Students have gone over the definitions and know the basic concepts of autobiographies and memoirs.
Then, introduce them to a new literary way of conveying a story or telling of a life event.

Have students get into small groups of 3-4 (do by counting off) and discuss major points in the graphic novel. Allow them to communicate with each other: questions, predictions and observations they had. Do periodically until the book is complete.

After Reading:
Have students create their own short (5 box total) comic memoir of a significant event that took place in their life.

Writing Activity:

-After students have constructed their short comic strip of a brief memory or moment in their life.
-Then have students write a brief paragraph describing their small memory. 
Comic Guidelines
-Must be at least 4 boxes long but no more than 7. 
-Each box much have dialogue between characters. 

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