Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Jazz on a Saturday Night

Jazz on a Saturday Night
Author: Diane and Leo Dillon
Copyright 2007
Blue Sky Press
Coretta Scott King Honor
Jazzy - Smooth - Rhythmic - Cheery - Fun

Interest Level: PreK – 3
Reading Level
Grade Level Equivalent: 5.3
Genre: Informational/Biography

Delivery: Whole Group Read-Aloud

Celebrated illustrators Diane and Leo Dillon have created a magical book using bright colors and rhythmic pattern that make music dance off the page in this tuneful tribute to some of the most renowned jazz greats. People such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and Ella Fitzgerald are depicted center stage and are to surely knock your socks off.

Electronic Resources:
Online reading of Jazz on a Saturday Night:
Performance of Jazz on a Saturday Night:
MFA Books Alive 2011
Jazz Music

1. Immortality: never dying.
2. Rhythm: a pattern of beats in music.
3. Thrums: tap steadily.
4. Melody: a music tune.
5. Discordant: disagreeing, sounding unpleasant.
6. Improvise: making something up on the spot.

ELA Teaching Suggestions

Before Reading:
-Introduce students to Harlem Renaissance, Jazz music and the famous characters of the time. (Ex. Characters mentioned in book: Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald.)
-Lightly play jazz music in the background as you introduce the Harlem Renaissance. 

-(If wanted to set the scene) play music in background while reading the book aloud as well. 
-Point out the instruments being used. Ask if any of the students in the class have played or heard any of these music makers before.
-Talk about the famous characters.
-Have jazz music playing in the background.

After Reading:
-Students (in groups of 3) will research one of the famous characters in the book and write a short paragraph describing them. (Group will present findings to entire class.) 
Ex. Ella Fitzgerald.
Student 1. Will talk about Ella’s life before becoming jazz famous.
Student 2. Will speak about Ella’s life in the spot light.

Student 3. Will research and have one of Ella's songs and be prepared to present to class.
Ex. When the song was written, what it's about, the instruments in it. 
-Students will turn in paragraphs packet after presenting. 

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