Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Science Verse

Science Verse
Author: Jon Scieszka
Illustrator: Lane Smith
Copyright 2004
Penguin Group
Scientific - Biological - Organic - Poetic - Fascinating 

Interest Level: Grades 3-5
Reading Level
Grade Level Equivalent: 3.8
Lexile Measure: N/A
DRA: 40
Guided Reading: Q
Genre: Comedy, Humor, Poetry and Rhymes

Delivery: Whole Group

The story of a boy who was cursed to listen to the poetry of science in everything.

Electronic Resources:
Youtube: Crash Course Kids (multiple videos on concentrations of science.)

1. Evaporation: water that is absorbed into the air.
2. Fructose: sugar.
3. Hypothesis: assumption/theory to be tested.
4. Nucleus: the central part of a living cell.
5. Amoeba: a single celled organism.
6. Metamorphosis: a change of physical form.

ELA Teaching Suggestions

Before Reading:
-Inform students that you are going to be reading a book about the different areas of science.
-Have students brainstorm that different concentrations of science and write their ideas on the board.
1.    Space
2.    Biology
3.    Matter
4.    Skeletal/Body System
5.    Bugs
6.    Food Chain
7.    Dinosaurs
8.    Evolution
9.    The Water Cycle

-While reading, if a section that a student has said comes up go through and identify words/processes that they do not know or are having difficulty comprehending. ->Write words on the board under the sections.

After Reading:
-After finishing the book assign a small group of students a section and have them research the topic.
Group A: Johnny, Amy, Ally, Trevor and Jenna are assigned “Dinosaurs” and they must look up and identify: Pterodactyl, Stegosaurus, Carnivores. How the dinosaurs were whipped out, the different periods.
-Then after researching student groups will present to rest of class their findings.
-Each group must have a small handout that they create in word that will be printed out so each student in the class will have a scientific resource.

Writing Activity:

-Students will create their own "science verse" on one of the subjects within the book. 
Poem Guidelines 
-Poem must be at least 5 lines long. 
-Must contain content from the particular subject you are focusing on. 
Ex. (Personal) 
Rain drops, Rain drops fall on my head. 
That's a part of the water cycle Amy said. 
How does it go? I wondered so...
Oh dear Billy, you don't know?
It goes: Precipitation, 
and then we start again. 

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